
  • Picking you up from nursery and was told you really are a cheeky little one. I have always thought you are a bit cheeky but since I don’t know that many babies I can’t tell if you are cheekier than others. Sounds like you are actually one, particularly good at giving cheeky grins. I was also told that you kept going up to a small baby and talking to her! I jokingly said ‘Don’t you get any ideas!’ currently finding it challenging enough to look after you let alone another baby 😂
  • Drama at dinner – who kept throwing food huh? And not only that, who threw a proper tantrum when he wasn’t given more of the puff pastry! Your whinging got properly loud mate. We discussed how you were just fake crying because there were no tears and you would literally immediately go quiet every time you get given a piece. Cheeky!
  • Ok perhaps the tantrum can be partly explained by the fact that you were not only hungry but also tried. You only had one nap at nursery from 12:15 to 13:45, so not too bad really. However, that meant many hours before dinner and bedtime. You fell asleep in my arms again during bedtime milk feed and only drank 120ml – lowest quantity in bedtime feed in a long long time. We shall see how well *cough* you sleep tonight. I mean you have been waking me up 5 to 6 times the last 2 nights [and not much better before that for daddy or me… so we shall see….
My silly sleepy boy

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